The Creation Covenant: Free Lectures

The second seminar on Covenant Theology focuses on the creation covenant and considers the ways in which Reformed theologians understand this covenant. In the first three lectures, Dr Robert Gonzales discusses the ways in which divine-human covenants have been defined and marshals exegetical and theological evidence for a creation covenant. Dr Brian Borgman presents an argument for viewing the creation covenant between God and Adam as a “covenant of works” in the fourth lecture. The fifth lecture features Pastor Keller Hackbusch who presents a progressive covenantalism understanding of the creation covenant. Finally, the five lectures are followed by a Q&A panel discussion featuring Gonzales, Borgman and Hackbusch. This seminar was co-sponsored by Grace Community Church, Community Bible Church, and Reformed Baptist Seminary.

Bob Gonzales

Bob Gonzales has served as a pastor of four Reformed Baptist congregations and has been the Academic Dean and a professor since 2005. He is the author of Where Sin Abounds: the Spread of Sin and the Curse in Genesis with Special Focus on the Patriarchal Narratives and has contributed to the Reformed Baptist Theological Review, The Founders Journal, and Westminster Theological Journal. Dr Gonzales is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. He and his wife, Becky, reside in Boca Raton, Florida.