What Is RBS International? 

RBSI is a ministry of Reformed Baptist Seminary that occasionally offers theological education outside the United States. The Certificate in Theological Studies (CTS) is not offered online like our other programs. Rather, when available, RBS instructors travel to a country and provide one-week modules over the course of three or four years. Through RBSI modules, the seminary seeks to provide biblical training for pastors and ministerial aspirants outside the United States who cannot pursue an extended, formal theological education. Until Providence opens a door for them to receive a fuller education, they are in immediate need of basic theological training to ground them in the great doctrines of Scripture. Thus, the seminary offers a version of the Marrow of Theology program, which provides an introduction to sacred theology and a platform on which to build further theological studies. Please contact us if you have a group of pastors that want to pursue the CTS and have the funding to help with travel costs and an interpreter.

The 24-Credit Certificate of Theological Studies (C.T.S.)

The courses below represent abbreviated two-credit versions of courses RBS offers in its regular curriculum. The twelve courses are usually offered over a five-day period once every 3 months, over the course of three years. 


Unit 1: The Word of God

Unit 2: Hermeneutics

Unit 3: God & Decree

Unit 4: Man & Sin

Unit 5: Christ & Covenants

Unit 6: Salvation

Unit 7: Holy Spirit

Unit 8: Church

Unit 9: Pastoral Counseling

Unit 10: Preaching

Unit 11: Last Things

Unit 12: Ethics


Additional courses in the areas of exegetical theology, church history, systematics, and pastoral theology can be offered if requested. 

Support RBS International? 

We view the Marrow Program’s Certificate of Theological Studies as the missionary arm of RBS.  Like most other missionary endeavors, the Marrow ministry depends upon the financial support of God’s people.

Currently, it costs us an average of $3,000-$3,500 to conduct a theological module in Latin America. This amount covers travel expenses, a modest honorarium, food and lodging for the students, and the costs for translating and recording the modules on MP3/DVD format. If the cost of one module is multiplied for the twelve modules, the total comes to $36,000-$42,000. That is probably less than what would be needed to support one missionary family for a year on the field. And for this amount, we will have provided approximately 40 to 50 pastors with a sound theological education by which they may more effectively shepherd their congregations and reach the lost for Christ.

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